Mulholland Press

Publications for the phonograph collector

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Although this website is dedicated for the most part to vintage record players, the RadioBar is sufficiently unique and collectible to warrant a mention. Also, for a brief period the factory that made the RadioBar cabinets for Philco also made all of Philco's radio-phonograph cabinets.

The RadioBar was a simple invention that combined a console cabinet radio with a compact bar, just as the name suggests.

The RadioBar was introduced just prior to the time that Prohibition was repealed. Of course, for quite some time prior to the actual repeal, it was commonly believed that it was only a matter of time before alcohol would again be legal in this country. The breweries, distillers and distributors all had time to prepare for the expected large demand. The RadioBar Co. of America was likewise able to anticipate the potentially large market for a smartly designed bar combined with the radio. It made a lot of sense for the fashionable parties that were certain to follow. What better way to show your friends that you were modern and stylish?

Explore the history of the company and read about the RadioBars in detail by following the links in the menu bar.